Monday, March 14, 2011

What is Democracy?

Democracy is about a way of community life and less about elections.

Our society creates the illusion of popular control without the reality.

There is “an enormous gap between what people want and what a presumably democratic political system is delivering.” The effects of an empire system is to transfer wealth and power from ordinary people to the ruling elite and leave families and communities without the means to provide their children with the essentials for healthful physical and  mental development.

Democracy or really a constitutional plutocracy? (Chapter 11)

Economic – transform the gifts of nature into our means of living.
Political – find agreement on the rules by which we will live and hopefully to solve problems facing us as a community n the best interests of all
Cultural - discover and express our shared values, sense of identity, meaning, and relationship to the transcendent.

It is imperative to “democratize economic relationships” because the powers of ownership shape cultural values and have a greater influence than the ballot.

Summarized and quoted from David Korten, The Great Turning, from empire to earth community

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